Suspension Bridges

We took a big leap and tried out a whole-grade suspension bridge building activity in the 3rd grade today! The idea comes from an activity in the book Engineering the City by Levy and Panchyk. In the text they outline how to use cardboard and paper clips to make a model suspension bridge that can actually hold up an impressive amount of weight. It was a big challenge for the kids to persist through since there were plenty of little things to be rebuilt along they way. They had great help from their teachers and really felt accomplished once they were finished though!

Simple Machines & Mechanisms

4th graders are using LEGOs to explore a wide range of simple machines and mechanisms. Each class activity is centered on a specific machine or concept. Students must build in partnerships to then answer questions or reflect on observations of certain mechanical phenomena. You can see some of the activities on my grade level technology site.

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Truss Bridges

We’re exploring the bridges of NYC in 3rd Grade Math, Social Studies and Technology classes this year. I found a great truss bridge activity from the book The Art of Construction by Mario Salvadori. You’ll need tongue depressors and brass paper fasteners to make triangles and then rigid trusses. Students love to build and with their truss in hand it really clicks why engineers use to many triangles in the structures that we see around us.

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High Altitude Balloon (HAB) Video

Our 6th grade Science teacher, Mr. Raikes, has posted a video synopsis of our near-space balloon project that he pioneered with the help of a parent volunteer, Jeff Tarr, and my advisees in our school’s MakerClub. Students from the MakerClub assembled the balloon rig and instrumentation for recording weather data. The balloon was launched on April 21st, 2015. The video speaks for itself though!

DIY Seismometers

I helped a group of 5th graders worked to build model seismometers from common materials. The activity was part of an integrated study block where students elected to dive deeper into inventions of Ancient China. Other groups explored similar maker projects based on the abacus, paper-making, silk painting, kite building, and Chinese instruments. It was a great afternoon STEAM-focsed learning!

I found the plan from IRIS, and NSF funded consortium dedicated to seismological research and data. View the educational activity document and enjoy our video below:

Race Timers on the Field!

Race day is here and the 5th graders used their final pressure plate sensor designs on the track. Based on their analysis of their cardboard prototypes, the final models were made of more durable materials: corrugated plastic on the exterior and disposable baking sheets for conductivity. The video has captions that will hopefully explain a little more. It was a really rewarding project that incorporated computer programming, decimal math, electricity, engineering design… and of course, Social Studies via the Greek Olympics. I made sure to express how proud I was of these young people for sticking with it over these last few months. They weren’t just studying engineering and design – they were actually doing engineering and design. On to the new challenges next year!

Live Testing Race Timer Prototypes

Students do a live test-run of their cardboard pressure plate prototypes. They have designed and built these sensors by hand with cardboard, tin foil and wire. Then they coded a stopwatch in Scratch (a drag-and-drop programming language for kids) and connected with MakeyMakey (a wildly fun computer input board).

The designs function well, and their structural limits (watch one break!) are important as they inform these young engineers of next steps about how to proceed on the next model, with better materials and design! New models, made with stronger materials will be used on a proper track during the “Greek Olympics” and at Field Day.

Race Timer Prototypes Complete

Our Olympic footrace timer prototypes are coming along nicely. Watch as a 5th grade student describes how he created a track race timer by coding a stopwatch in Scratch and then building a cardboard-and-tin-foil pressure plate to step on as runners cross the finish line. Connected via MakeyMakey. Inventing is learning!